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Issues with transitions

#1 johnson777
hey everyone and gunther! I recently shot a timelapse of a city scape using the holy grail method at sunset and I am having an issue. I did the work flow as you have on your tutorial and it seems that when I edit my keyframes and bring it into lr Timelapse and auto transition it will auto transition the beginning and when it reaches to the middle certain parts aren't smooth and it is not transitioning, I used deflickered and everything else seems to work but it is just the middle portion that is very messed up. can you guide me accordingly? I restarted the Timelapse and clear meta data and started back from fresh and even restarted my computer just to rule out anything.
what can I do to fix this issue?

partly auto transitioning is my issue
#2 Gunther
If you click on the "All" button above the preview you will see all transitioned curves. Do you see anything strange there? If in doubt, post the screenshot here.
Also it would be good to redo the workflow once again, start by removing the sequence from lightroom and doing metadata/initialize in LRTimelapse. Then follow the instructions on https://LRTimelapse.com/workflow carefully.
If the problems persist, please send the log from the info menu and the screenshot of the curves with ALL enabled.
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#3 johnson777
thanks for replying I hit all and see my curves but what do you mean by storage? also I did the workflow how do I send the info and snapshot do I do it here on the forum?
#4 Gunther
Sorry, auto correction. Was meant to mean "strange".
You can send an email to support(at)lrtimelapse.com or you could attach the screenshot and log here. If you click on "Reply" you will get "Post Option" where you can attach files here in the forum.
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#5 johnson777
hey gunther I did not notice anything strange however I exported the file in full resolution and the transition issue was fixed I still noticed a slight issue. I am happy with the Timelapse. however my friend who shot a Timelapse with me also noticed a huge transition issue the same issue I noticed, we had to manually adjust whitebalace and exposure on each individual pic in lr Timelapse, I know this isn't what we wanted but I cannot help but think why did the transition happen perfectly for part of the sequence but a small part it did not transition well
#6 Gunther
You need to send me more details and the log, otherwise it's impossible for me to say what's happening.
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#7 johnson777
I sent you an email with the log file thank you.
#8 johnson777
hey gunther I reset and clear all meta data from lr Timelapse and I did all the keyframes within lr Timelapse and the transition issue didn't happen! this leads me to believe that the issue is Lightroom not sending the right data to lr Timelapse to do a proper auto transition. can you guide me accordingly the problem seems to be from Lightroom side of things
#9 Gunther
You need to save Metadata in Grid View in Lightroom, because in Develop Mode Lightroom will only save for one image, not all.
So go to Grid view first (G) filter for the keyframes, then select all keyframes and then do save metadata to files.
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#10 johnson777
I did this and I reload and clear metadata and I basically re did the sequence many times I updated dng converter updated my Mac computer and re install Lightroom to rule out any possibility that it is that. but I do not understand why the transitions do not work 100% from Lightroom, I have no issues color grading it from lr Timelapse, it just seems its Lightroom

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