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LR Timelapse 7 Export / Render dialog

#1 DSPatrick
New user of LRT private. In the post processing section the checkbox for "Selection Only" is greyed out. What to do?
#2 Gunther
Did you select a subset of the images in the table?
This checkbox will only be active, if you do the internal export an render and have more than one image selected in the table, otherwise it would make no sense.
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#3 DSPatrick
Ok, I guess I mis-took the meaning. I was hoping to get a crop box. Any chance LR Timelapse would honor a bulk crop done in Lightroom?
#4 DSPatrick
Quick update. I think I have it now. I'll just bulk crop in LR then export as original and let Timelapse use these files. Thank you Gunther for the quick reply.
#5 Gunther
I don't know what you mean with "bulk", but of course, if you set a crop on the keyframes, LRTimelapse will take that over on the auto transition etc. and it will end up in the final video. You can even animate that crop (check out the expert tips tutorial about that: https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/expert ).

This gives you all the freedom for cropping. If you only want to do export in a different aspect ratio (without "zooming in", you can do that directly in the render dialog.

The feature "selection only" that you mentioned, is something different. It allows to render a selected subset of the images as a shorter clip.
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#6 DSPatrick
Thank you again Gunther. Yes, I did try this (cropping the keyframes) and yes it seems to work fine.

...also check out: