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task rendering video setting preset to basic workflow

#1 HYLiu
task rendering video setting presettings same as address as e.g. basic workflow
it does not make sense when use i.e. basic workflow and go to file> render video and find the directory again for the correct files.

#2 Gunther
Sorry - I don't understand?
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#3 HYLiu
in the last step of the basic workflow you go to LRC and go to render the images. then LRT asks to render the files.
Im using LRT differently, only for auto transitioning and flickering. I'm not using LRC. (prefer to do coloring etc in post edit) So when you do basic workflow and save the changes then you go to Files> rendering video it does not memorize the files one is using earlier. so you have to go and find the proper directory again etc. that is unnecessary.
I hope I explained it more clear now.
#4 Gunther
You need to distinguish between rendering from an intermediary sequence (exported from Lightroom) and rendering directly via the internal render feature.
In your case I understand you don't use Lightroom and would like to use the new internal export and render feature.
You can access this, either by switching to the visual preview and click on "Export and Render" on the bottom right of the workflow tab - or, you could doe File / Render Video and then click on the left radio button on the top called "Export and Render current sequence".
Both will do the same and export and render the sequence currently loaded into the main window of LRTimelapse.

I'd suggest you watch the new tutorials about LRTimelapse 6 where I explain these differences:
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