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LRT v6 beta 9 Visual Deflicker

#1 krhalbe
Howdy! I installed the LRT version 6 beta 9 today. I'm running it on Windows 12. The visual preview generation is getting stuck on 72% consistently. The timelapse that I'm working on has 332 raw files (Canon CR3) with no change to camera settings (no holy grail) between the first and the last image. I have used four key frames to generate the photo settings. The only deviance I'm doing from the v6 workflow is that I'm still operating LRT like v5 i.e., I'm using Lightroom for modifying photo settings. This didn't seem to be an issue in the previous beta v6. I tried restarting LRTimelapse and run visual previews, but the result is the same i.e., visual previews are stuck at 72% and the visual deflickering procedure is not progressing (T -20:00 at the writing of this note).
#2 Gunther
Could you please share your log file after the VP get stuck? Info menu / show log
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#3 krhalbe
Hi Gunther! Apologize for the delay in response. The above described issue seems to have been resolved by itself after restarting the computer. Would you still like to take a look at the log?
#4 Gunther
In Beta 11 the visual previews should not time out anymore.
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