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LRTimelapse 7.0 beta 12

#1 Gunther
  • Improvement: Holy Grail Wizard efficiency
  • Improvement: Holy Grail Wizard will not instantly recalculate the compensation curve when it's opened, if the HG-Wizard already had been applied. Recalculation will then only happen when dragging one of the curves or clicking on optimize
  • Improvement: Made status text below preview bigger. Remaining Visual Previews and Remaining time will now be displayed in red to make it more obvious that VP are still being generated
  • Improvement: On all helper DirChoosers: when adding a folder to the restricted tree, that new folder will be preselected
  • Fix: After an internal Export and Render, choosing "Render from Intermediary Sequence" via the menu would fail loading the preview into the render dialog.
  • Fix: Calling Export and Render with the Select Output Folder popping up, then select to add a new folder to the restricted tree would not instantly open the render dialog but require to reclick the button.
  • Fix: Holy Grail Migration from LRTimelapse 3 was broken
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