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LRTimelapse 7 beta 6 - Auto transition not processing lens correction profiles

#1 lightatwork
Hi Gunther,

This was also in an email, so as per your request, I created a forum post with additional info.

I can positively state that I am able to reproduce this issue. I will send you (wetransfer per email) the same test sequence of 5 images and a screen recording of my exact workflow which shows the issue. I'll also include the log file.

Issue: lens correction profile is not correctly processed when performing auto transition.

- Initialize sequence
- set keyframes
- save
- import in LR Classic
- apply develop settings, including enabling lens profile correction to all keyframes
- save metadata for keyframes
- back in LRT, apply auto transition
- to double check, I checked the metadata table and confirmed that all the images have the same data for lens profile correction (this is the case).
- generate visual previews
- Already inside LRT (even before reading metadata in LR), I can see in the visual previews that the lens correction is NOT applied to the images in between the keyframes, even though the tables says it has.

Additional info: This issue is present both for raw files as for jpg files.

Should you require any additional info, let me know.


#2 Gunther
Thank you very much for the detailed report and the files.
This should be fixed in beta 7 which is now available. Please test and let me know!
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#3 lightatwork
I can confirm that beta 7 fixed the issue. Thanks!
#4 Gunther
Great, thanks for your feedback!
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