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LRTimelapse is behaving as though my photos are incorrectly timestamped

#1 vtevelde

I'm not sure if this issue also occurs in LRTimelapse 5, but I'm experiencing it in 6 and can't figure out where the problem might be. When I take a timelapse and immediately start editing it, LRTimelapse stalls out creating visual previews and also Lightroom doesn't find the keyframes, just as described in this thread: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-tim...ng-message

My time and timezone are set correctly both in my camera and on my computer and LRTimelapse and Lightroom both show the correct capture times (however Windows Explorer seems be adding the timezone offset twice - I am in UTC+10 but the time shown in Windows Explorer is 10 hours *later* than local time. I can't figure out how to fix this but I don't know if it's even related, since LRTimelapse and Lightroom both show the correct times in the past.)

Even though my times are set correctly, based on the thread above I tried shifting the capture times of the sequence back by a day. That did in fact fix the problem.

Any idea what's going on?

#2 Gunther
I don't know how you can fix that issue on your computer, I can only tell you that the timestamps of the images need to be older than the current time on the computer. It's crucial to have the camera timestamps synchronized to the computer timestamps. Otherwise you'll get loads of issues with the metadata handling between Lightroom and LRTimelapse because they heavily use the timestamps to figure out if metadata has been modified or not.
Otherwise, if you can't get it going technically by fixing your computer setup, the only way would be to always shift the timestamps in LRTimelapse to the past.
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#3 vtevelde
I have continued digging into this issue and I think the problem may be that Nikon itself is recording an incorrect "File modification Date/Time" when it first takes the image. The "create date" EXIF data is correct: 2022:02:10 04:12:00.01+10:00. But the File modification date/time applies the timezone correction twice: 2022:02:10 14:12:02+10:00. This seems to be a common issue, e.g. https://andreas-mausch.de/blog/2021/07/2...timestamp/

Note that my computer and camera are both set to the correct time and timezone (UTC+10). The capture times shown in LRTimelapse and Lightroom are correct, in the local time. (The exif data verifies this: "Offset Time", "Offset time original", and "Offset time digitized" are all +10). I'm guessing that Windows explorer is showing "File modification Date/time" EXIF data while lightroom and LRTimelapse refer to the "Create date" field.

Since everything is set up correctly on my computer and camera, I don't know what else to do. The times that LRTimelapse and Lightroom refers to are in fact in the past, compared to my computer clock. I don't know where the comparison to the incorrectly offset time might be happening. Any suggestions?

#4 vtevelde

In case anyone comes across this thread having the same issue, I finally figured out the (very bizarre) problem. Ubuntu was modifying the "File modification date/time" EXIF field as soon as the SD card from my camera was mounted, even before copying it or editing it in any way. The solution was to install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils.
#5 Gunther
Just curious - you are using LRTimelapse on Ubuntu?
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