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Lrtimelapse stalls when generating Visual Previews

#11 Gunther
But the images didn't get deleted? Thought so.
In Windows defender add LRTimelapse and Adobe DNG Converter to the Whitelist, normally it's not necessary but might help.

Visual Previews taking a long time is due to the timeouts that you are getting in your log file. I find it strange because in the free version you will have only 4 parallel threads which normally shouldn't stress your computer too much. So something is blocking there.
There is an faq covering timeouts with Visual Previews, please check that out: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-vis...w-previews
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#12 Speco2000
Thanks Gunther.
I have put LRTimelapse and Adobe DNG Converter to the Whitelist.
I have uninstalled LR 11.1 the reinstalled it.
I have uninstalled LRT 6 and reinstalled.
step 1 add keyframes
step 2 save keyframes
step 3 Drag to LR
Work on images
After i save metadata to files i proceed to LRT then hit auto transition in visual preview screen.
the next step is to click on visual preview ....visual previews are very slow...
I can not go to deflicker.
If i push reload the files in visual Preview disappear in front of me and end up in my recycle bin.
the folder that i had the files originally in now only contain the .lrt files and has been renamed .lrt??
the imputed LR folder is now missing
I dont know what is going on
#13 Gunther
I don't understand what's going on there. No one else is reporting such a behavior and also in my program code is no section which would ever delete files upon reload. It's not even possible to move something to the recycle bin from a Java App as LRTimelapse is.
Are you sure that you don't have any malware on your system that is "doing things"?
The .lrt folder is an internal folder that LRT uses to store the buffered preview files and some settings.
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#14 Speco2000
Thanks for your feedback and assistance
I have loaded Lightroom 11 and lrtimelapse onto another computer and it works fine you are correct that I have problems with my system I will get that checked out
thanks for your help
Kind Regstds
#15 Gunther
You are welcome. I'm closing this thread now.
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