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is there any way to change the export location of render?

#1 prathu
i have a few timeslice images that I want to render, but it exports it on the same folder which is annoying because there are other files on it related to the project, I want to save the exports on a specific folder so that I can directly make my final composition from that folder.
#2 Gunther
Are you talking about the composition feature?
The concept in LRTimelapse is that for every source timelapse sequence you define an output path which will be used for the exported and rendered files. In that output path you will find the exported intermediary sequences (LRT_*) in their folders and the rendered videos. If you choose to create a composition from one of those intermediary sequences, the Composition will also be placed into this output folder.
This has the huge advantage that you only need to set the output folder once and then you don't have to deal with any folder selection anymore.
I can only recommend that you follow this scheme with your folder organzation. This means, that normally in that output folder there shouldn't be "other files" as you said.
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