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Max Image Number - 100 day timelapse

#1 giosico
I have a 100 day time lapse with about 9000 images per day.

I want to buy a licence but am concerned.

Will LRT be able to handle a single day? Or several days?

Thank you
#2 Gunther
9000 images should be no problem, it mostly depends of the memory your computer can supply and the time you would like to wait... :-)
But feeding 900000 images would certainly be no good idea.

LRTimeapse Pro has a good support for long term time lapse - you can filter out dark and bright images, etc. to intelligently reduce the amount of images.
But I would start on a per day basis (9000 images then) - and start reducing from there. It normally just does not make sense to use that many images for the end results.
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#3 giosico
Thanks for your replies. I need a way to view and scrub out unwanted sections of the time lapse without duplicating my library or deleting images, looks like I might have to. Keep up the great work and consider my posts as feature requests.

I think I am going to view and scrub out images in Adobe Premiere. Then export an XML file, the copy all those images into a new folder via a script.

Then start the timelapse process.
#4 Gunther
My advice for long term time lapse is to use LRTimelapse for the scrubbing and removing. Just work on a copy of the original images, if you have to keep all. LRT Pro has a very sophisticated feature called "select by criteria" that will allow you to easily remove dark and bright images inside a special bandwidth following a trend.
I would like to make a tutorial for that but don't have such footage - maybe you would like to provide it for the demo, then just contact me. Ideally I would need a couple of weeks/months - but not 900 a day ;-)
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#5 SLRist
I also plan to run a 100 day timelapse, but I'm shooting just one image every 2 minutes across a period of 10 hours, so 300 images per day.

This is the working day for a construction site.

That's 30,000 images total - total running time at 25fps of 20 minutes.

Would I be correct to assume that number of images would be workable in the standard product?

My images are 6MP NEF files from a Nikon D70s.

Many thanks.
#6 Gunther
If you have enough memory you can certainly load sequences of that size. However it might be rather painful to work with them. So it might be a better approach to spit the sequence in smaller parts, then use the "select by criteria" feature of LRT Pro to filter out unwanted (dark/bright etc.) images and then after narrowing down the sequence merge it together again.

Again: if someone sends me a long term time lapse sequence, I would be glad to make a video tutorial.
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#7 SLRist
I'll be happy to send you mine - about 100 days from now!
#8 Gunther
Maybe you could send me the first week in advance, I think this would be enough to make the tutorial Wink
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#9 SLRist

I have almost a week's worth. I'll email you a link from where you can download the images. Would you prefer NEF or DNG?
#10 Gunther
You can send me DNG's if they are smaller. Thank you, much appreciated!
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