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MR3040 no access after firnmware update

#1 peterschall
I installed the OpenWRT fimeware on a new TL-MR3040 V2 using a PC running under Win 8.1. After the installation I do not have access to the TL-MR3040 via web interface any more. However, my PC is exchanging data with the TL-MR3040 via the LAN cable. I am aslo not getting a connection the the device using telnet.

It might be because the firmware I used did not contain ddsever. is this the problem and if yes, how can I install ddserver without having access to the web interface.

I also tried to reinstall the original firmware as described in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAlyVRbtgyw. However, when I connect to the device using putty I can enter login as: root but I can not enter the password or I don't know the correct password.

Kind regards
#2 JayJay
Hi Peter,
which firmware do you use? In the firmware packages of Zoltan (see Download-Link) ddserver is included.

For accessing the web gui of the router, did you change the IP address? IP of original web surface of TL-Link is, after flashing with firmware package of Zoltan it is !

Is the mode switch on the router side in the right position (should be AP)?

After flashing a new TP-Link device I had the problem, that I could not connect wireless to my camera via qDslrDashoard, but I got a wireless connection to the web surface of router. The problem could be solved by restarting the router. I found also, that the USB cable is important for connecting a camera. Using the original USB cable of my Nikon D800 I had sometimes problems to connect the camera to qDslrDashboard. With a shorter USB cable (about 30 cm) of a card reader these problems disappear.

So, please check following points:
1. did you use the right firmware version?
2. did you change IP router address after flashing?
3. is mode switch of router in right position?

Furthermore, from your post I could not see clearly whether you could not connect to router settings surface or to your camera via qDslrDashboard. So if your problems could not be solved by the points mentioned above, try to describe your problems more precisely.

#3 hubaiz
Probably you installed an OpenWrt without the Luci web interface.
If you have telnet/ssh access you can check if the Luci packages are installed with the 'opkg list_installed' command. You should get something like this:
luci - svn-r9960-1
luci-app-firewall - svn-r9960-1
luci-app-samba - svn-r9960-1
luci-app-statistics - svn-r9960-1
luci-app-upnp - svn-r9960-1
luci-i18n-english - svn-r9960-1
luci-lib-core - svn-r9960-1
luci-lib-ipkg - svn-r9960-1
luci-lib-nixio - svn-r9960-1
luci-lib-sys - svn-r9960-1
luci-lib-web - svn-r9960-1
luci-mod-admin-core - svn-r9960-1
luci-mod-admin-full - svn-r9960-1
luci-proto-core - svn-r9960-1
luci-proto-ppp - svn-r9960-1
luci-sgi-cgi - svn-r9960-1
luci-theme-base - svn-r9960-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - svn-r9960-1

If your router has internet access you could eventually try to install the Luci packages. You first run 'opkg update' and after that 'opkg install luci' etc.

If you access the router with telnet there is no need to password as it will you login as 'root' user. In telnet you can set your 'root' password with the 'passwd' command. After setting the 'root' password you will have ssh access and the telnet access will be disabled (default OpenWrt behavior)

If your router has internet access (or you have a local web server on your network) and you have telnet/ssh access to it you can try and update your firmware, please follow this: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.sysupgrade

...also check out: