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Need help choosing Android phone for qDslrDashboard with Nikon D850 and D810

#1 natfrey
Hello. I'm thinking of getting a Huawei P20 Pro with 6GB RAM to run qDslrDashboard with my Nikon D850 using WIFI. Will this phone be a good choice?

Also, I have a D810 backup camera that's still running great, wondering if this phone will also connect to it via USB. Gunther mentioned this phone in a post from 2020 as one that works with one of the Nikon Z cameras. Basically looking for a decent Android such as this Huawei to help me with some Holy Grail shots using either of these cameras. Just want to confirm before purchasing. thank you.
#2 Gunther
Basically that phone is already overkill. If you can get it cheap, go for it. But any other cheap one (used price from 50€) should do if you want to use it for qDDB only.
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#3 natfrey
Thanks for confirming, I should be able to get a used one for cheap on eBay.

...also check out: