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Nexus 7/LinneageOS wifi to Nikon Z6Ii

#1 chrisstratton
My connection keeps dropping. I tried Caffeine app. Any suggestions??

Also, is there a complete description of the behaviour of the NTC option in qdslr?

vielen dank'
#2 Gunther
You need to leave the screen on on the android device (screen on option in qDDB is sufficient). Then Z 6II works flawlessly via WiFi for me.

NTC: Will calculate the dawn times according to GPS. NTC 2.0 then means, that at astronomical darkness, the reference wil be Reference / 2 (half the reference). NTC 3.0 would mean Reference would be one third.
From Sunset to astronomical darkness Auto NTC would automatically ramp the reference.

I've explained this in detail in my EBook: https://lrtimelapse.com/ebook/
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#3 chrisstratton
Thank you. I had forgotten to refer to my copy of your eBook. I am reading that now.

Presently, the problem with the Nexus seems to be it has a 15 minute timeout. The "Never" option for timeout seems to be gone. I had to install LineageOS instead of the Nexus original OS - qDDB would not otherwise install on the older operating system. I am still exploring the "Screen On" option for the Nexus and my current hope is that by providing a power supply the screen will never darken.

I noticed that the LinneageOS did not automatically correct for the time zone change while I was in Turkey recently, while the GPS did work. Still I think that the NTC function was trying to work before the wifi would drop.
#4 Gunther
Normally qDDB keeps the screen on, if you set that setting in qDDB. I'va also a custom rom on my Nexus 7 and never had any issues with that.
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#5 chrisstratton
Ah - I knew you were answering my question - it just took me a while to understand the answer! Thank you. Here's (attached) a photo of the QDDB application settings which is the relevant place to change the Keep Screen On option! Thanks again.
Attached Files
#6 Gunther
Yes. Best also turn of "show capture history after capture".
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