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Minimum dark time

#1 Draboy24
Hello everyone.
I am interested in this timer for astrophotography. When I shoot in the night with clouds at around 50mm focal lenght, my shutter speed is around 2 seconds for the stars not to be too noisy but I would like the shortest dark time possible because clouds are very fast.
I've got Nikon D750. What's the minimum dark time I can have with the pro timer ?
Thanks for your answer.
#2 Gunther
I'd say 0.2 to 0.3 secs. But you'd need to try that out with your setup - it depends from your camera settings, memory card used etc. But one thing is for sure: the LRT Pro Timer will not be the limiting factor for the dark time, because it only triggers the camera briefly without wasting any unecessary time with AF etc. Apart from that you can fine tune it's behavior to adapt it to your camera (if really necessary) in order to squeeze out the last bit of performance, see the section "Fine Tuning" on https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt/advanced-features/
The LRT Pro Timer is the only timer on the market that will allow you to reach the shortest possible dark time with your camera as far as I know.
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#3 Draboy24
Thanks a lot Gunther, you answered my question !

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