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no gradiants showing!

#1 evh515093
there are no graduated or radial filters showing in LR!  i am not cropped in either. why is this happening? once again this has been happening since the updates.....
#2 Gunther
Load the sequence into LRTimelapse, go though the first row of buttons, save.
Now bringt the sequence into Lightroom, if it's already in Lightroom, select the whole sequence there in Grid mode (G), Ctrl/Cmd-A and then Metadata/Read Metadata from files.

Now check, if you have the Edit pins being displayed in Lightroom:
Press "M" to go to the gradient tool, then toggle the toolbar on with "T" and see, if in the toolbar on the left "Show Edit Pins" is set to "always".
Now you should see the 4 pins of the predefined gradients.
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#3 evh515093
Thank you! It's on always.   But I messed around with it, when I drag the files from LRT to LR it changes the white balance, everything goes to custom.  This does not happen when I regularly import files to LR.  So I set it back to normal and that's what got rid of the graduated filters.   So I have to manually change the white balance back to "as shot" on each and every photo.  Is there a setting in LRT that changes the WB on import?
#4 Gunther
LRTimelape sets the Whitebalance to Custom an a default setting, since it cannot know the white balance.
So when editing the first keyframe, just set the WB back to "As Shot" or any other setting or values. This will then be taken over to the other keyframes when editing and LRTimelapse will transition all WB settings on the keyframes when doing the auto transition.
So basically it's just dealing with the WB when editing the keyframes, no additional work.
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