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Periodic TL feature expansion

#1 uktimelapse
First off I should state that the periodic TL feature is very beneficial and I am glad it has been included! One thing I would love to see would be a function which would allow a different interval to be used whilst not active... probably best if I explain it:

Between 10am and 10pm a picture is taken every 5 minutes.
Between 10pm and 10am a picture is taken every 15 minutes.

Would this be something you would consider including? Thanks!
#2 Gunther
This would make things even more complicated... (also for the user and to set up).
A work around would be to shoot with the shorter time, and then use the long term filters, select for the night time span only, then "Edit / Select Every nth" and remove the unwanted images during the night time.
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#3 uktimelapse
Hi Gunther, thanks for the reply, I am aware of the solution you mention and I am aware my suggestion would make things more complex but it would help solve an issue with my workflow...
Currently I need to take a picture every 30 minutes to stop a camera from sleeping as if it does sleep, it doesn't properly wake up the SD card (which transfers images over 4G) when it takes the next picture. A solution which would allow for photos to be taken at a longer interval overnight would solve my problem without generating pointless images overnight when there is no need for photos to be taken.
#4 Gunther
You might want to check if you can turn of the standby on the camera. At least for the cameras I know, there is an option in the menu to set "sleep" to never.
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#5 uktimelapse
Unfortunately not with the Sony A5100... but I've found another solution. Thanks Gunther.

...also check out: