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Permanent File Deletion

#1 storm303

I have used LRT for a few years now. I have never accidentally deleted a file until today. I accidentally deleted one image which of course makes a jump in my sequence.

I have backups and recovered my image easily enough, but as I was dragging my external flash drive out of the bag and plugging it in, I wondered...why? Why does LRT permanently delete files when 'delete' vs. 'remove' option is selected anyway? Is there a reason I may not be aware of or have considered?

Would moving items to recycle bin / trash on either PC or Apple possibly make much more sense for most users? Using recycle bin / trash would match most other photos applications such as Photoshop, Adobe Bridge, etc. which upon delete moves items to recycle bin and also supports undo of deletes using standard shortcut keys such as CMD-Z or CTRL-Z.

Could a more typical trash/recycle bin with undo support be the default delete mode for LRT in the future, or could it perhaps be a checkbox option in settings somewhere for the user to decide if we want a permanent or soft hard drive delete? I simply see no advantage, but some risk, to a permanent deletion that does not even show in recycle bin and requires a either backup or file recovery process to restore accidental deletion.

Of course as users we should be careful and a have good workflow always with backup, but mistakes happen...

Any thoughts on this topic appreciated. If able, and I have not missed an existing option to do this in the existing software (LRT version 6.6) please consider this a feature request.

#2 Gunther
I'll move this to feature requests.
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#3 Gunther
This is implemented in LRTimelapse 7.2 beta 2, which is now available. Please test and let me know.
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