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Bring Back Visual Preview Resolution Setting

#1 Skarekrow73
I do work that requires me to see fine details in the distance of large image sets (5000-10000+ images) where I scroll through and manually filter for movement and changes in the landscape/structure being photographed. LRT5 used to let you change the Visual Preview resolution and the setting was removed with LRT6. The performance boosts of LRT6 are worthwhile, but at the cost of not being able to see enough detail in the image (for me).

I'd prefer this option be there, the default can be what it is currently but for some users, we should be able to increase it if needed, even if it means a performance hit.

Please re-enable this feature.
#2 Jburden14
I second this. I need it for same reasons as you. I have more powerful computer now and having just upgraded to LR6, i'm gutted I can't sacrifice some performance for better quality image. Thoughts Gunther?
#3 Ulli
LRTimelapse isn't intended as a high resolution image viewer. The decribed task can easily (?) automated with some piece of software. colleagues are doing this to detect birds flying in their nest and they are'nt programming geeks ;-)
#4 Jburden14
We used to be able to change the resolution. That makes no sense. LRtimelapse is the premium software for Timelapse, so why would it not be considered a high resolution image viewer?
#5 Gunther
I heard you and I will see if I can provide an option for a higher resolution of the previews in one of the next updates.
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#6 Ulli
Because the sense is only a fast peview and the editing is done in LR with all the possibilities there but noone would be hurt with more resolution as an option. :-)
#7 aksel.gresvig
I second this!
I do not currently experience an adequate feel of the final render from the preview in LRT, given its low resolution.
The options for generating an intermediary preview are cumbersome - the fastest is probably "Export & Render (internal)", but it requires manual export & config setting for each sequence, making it a slow approach when working on a larger set of sequences. Batch tools would perhaps be another options.

I have a powerful PC purpose-built for this workflow, so I do not mind waiting a few extra seconds/tens of seconds in order to get an in-app preview that gives me a proper understanding of the final output, before going through all the work (and render time) necessary to get a final result

Thanks Gunther!
#8 benji
Hi Gunther,
Is there any movement on this request? Or can we go back to an earlier version with our old licenses?

#9 Gunther
Changing the resolution for the visual previews never really worked because of the way the previews are generated. They get extracted from the DNG thumbnails which cannot be scaled.
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