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Rendering issues and 4K?

#1 MontanaWild
So I'm having two issues outside of LR Timelapse. First, when I export in 4K, my video just shows green when I import into Adobe Premier Pro. 3K works but takes a lot of rendering time which is understandable. Not sure why 4K isn't being recognized.

Second, I've exported about a half dozen 1080 timelapses for a short film I'm about to edit. I imported the files and dragged them into my timeline. When I went to render these it has taken an insanely large amount of time to render. For the six timelapses which none are more then 15 seconds and none have a file size over 150MB it has taken about 8 hours. Now I've done timelapses in other fashions and it's never even been close to the time it's taken for these. Not sure why these files are making my computer think so hard. Any input would be awesome on why this might be.


#2 Gunther
Are you using Prores or MP4? Which quality? Usually there is no need to use the Ultra High quality, go for "High" - this should give you very good results, only increase the quality, if the results do not satisfy you.
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#3 MontanaWild
(2013-08-14, 20:32)gwegner Wrote: Are you using Prores or MP4? Which quality? Usually there is no need to use the Ultra High quality, go for "High" - this should give you very good results, only increase the quality, if the results do not satisfy you.

I'm using MP4 and going very high on the quality. I just am noticing very drastic differences in rendering from my iMac to my MacBook Pro and the differences in computing between the two computers isn't the difference. Just taking way to long to try to edit and I don't have Final Cut on my iMac currently so I've been having to edit on the MacBook. Just kind of weird. Also not sure why 4K won't work in my editing software. Final Cut HD should be able to handle it correct?
#4 UniqueCaptures
What about the all green export when going for the 4K file?
I'm having the same issue and can not find a correction..... help
#5 Gunther
Try playing the files with VLC player, are they still green? I have the suspicion that this is more a problem of the video editor not recognizing the formats. You shuld also try creating the video in 16:9, some editors / players struggle to play other aspect ratios.
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#6 amyr
I'm having the same issue!
#7 Gunther
It's a problem with the player.
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#8 amyr
I use LRTimelapse 3.2.1 and Lightroom 5, have tried different player like VLC but same problem...
#9 Gunther
What is "the exact same problem"?
Wich render mode and codec are you using? Did you try others? Do the sequences open in a video processor like adobe premiere?
Are you on mac or pc? What exactly happens?
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#10 amyr
So it only work when i use Quality LOW or MEDIUM, when i ise HIGH or more does not work...I tested it on several computers...

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