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Rendering upscaled to 8k TIFFs created with Topaz VEAI - "ICC Color Profile missing."

#1 Kevinjjjack
I needed to upscale a 4k timelapse to 8k. I used Topaz VEAI. It worked fine, but greatly increased the file size. It has an option to export in uncompressed 16bit TIFFs so I chose that option. I renamed the folder to LRT_"". I can now use LRT Render engine and have many options and speedy renders, but I get the message in the Render Box

"ICC Color Profile missing.

For improved wide gamut color rendering, export your intermediary sequence with the LRTExport-Lightroom Plugin."

Since this is what I did to render the original 4k timelapse is it now making a difference rendering the upscaled TIFFs?
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#2 Gunther
Obviously your Topaz Software doesn't embed an ICC profile.
This means, if it doesn't convert properly from Rec.2020 to Rec709 (which I doubt) you will get wrong colors in the rendered result.

If you really think you will get any advantage doing what you did (I doubt it), I'd recommend to export in Rec.709 from Lightroom (chose the option in the LRTExport Plugin). Then do whatever you need to do to the exported images and then render. You will still get the "Profile missing", but at least you will have the common Rec.709 intermediaries and you will render in Rec.709. This will at least not change any colors.
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#3 Kevinjjjack
The only advantage is I have 8k TIFFs. Someone asked me about 8k, I said I can upscale...
#4 Gunther
Yeah, but still that's not 8k quality then...
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#5 rodrigo
Hi Gunther, I just rendered a timelapse and got the above message "ICC Color Profile missing." For improved wide gamut color rendering, export your intermediary sequence with the LRTExport-Lightroom Plugin."

Please forgive my ignorance but, Where about do I find Rec.709 from Lightroom (chose the option in the LRTExport Plugin).

Kind regards,

#6 mopperle
Sorry, only german, but the english dialog box should look similar

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#7 rodrigo
Thanks Otto,
#8 rodrigo
I have checked the box, but still getting the same error.
#9 Gunther
Normally you don't need to check the box and you shouldn't. If everything works, the LRTExport plug-in will embed a Rec. 2020 profile. In your case this doesn't seem to happen.
Please restart your computer. Then reinstall the latest LRTimelapse (download fresh from the download page) and try again.if the problems persist, please send me the both log files from Documents/LRTimelapse after doing an export am render via email to support@lrtimelapse.com.
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#10 rodrigo
Hi Gunther, I downloaded and installed the new version yesterday. just created a timelapse and the warning still there. Will send the 2 files via email.

...also check out: