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Foreground flashing lights causing major flicker

#11 Hathenbruck
I decided to start from scratch. I did very limited editing, and only adjusted the deflicker a small amount (under 10, on the slider), and I can't get the flicker to go away. as I scrub over the the part with all the flicker, it's definitely in direct relation to the flashing of the billboard. It seems as the billboard flashes, brightest part of the sky gets darker. I'm not too sure what it will take to get rid of that flicker, or if it's even possible.
#12 Gunther
If you want the sky to be smooth, you'll have to set a reference area there and then apply deflicker so many times (with refine) until the curve is as smooth as possible. For sequences with a dynamic and changing contrast like that there is no guarantee that it will get perfect, of course. There might be other effects, for example the billboard casting light in front of the sky that gets reflected by dust particles etc. So the sky looks different when the billboard is on.
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#13 Hathenbruck
I was just watching your tutorials again, to see if there is something I missed, and I realized that I'm still using copy and paste when applying edits to the next keyframes. Will that cause this type of issue?
#14 Gunther
Yes, that's possible too.
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#15 Hathenbruck
I'll do another edit. I appreciate you helping me with that. Thank you!
#16 yannick_c
Quote:I'm most likely going to remove support for the old process in the next version, since apart from you :-) obviously nobody uses it anymore:

No problem for the old process on newer versions, I'll use a compatible version if I need to use that old Process.

Quote:Some of the old tools in LR3 were even worse with this in my experience, I wouldn't recommend using the old process

I only use it on hyperlapses when content changes a lot and causes those weird flicker effect on the sky. Using 2010 process was the only solution that worked for me, that's why I though it could help in that case. I've done some video example here to show how it could remove the flickering in the sky : http://forum.timescapes.org/phpBB3/viewt...=8&t=12729 (you can delete the link if it's not authorized to post link from another forum)

#17 Gunther
No problems with the link. In my experience it depends a lot of which controls you use and to which extent. In Process 2010 lights and darks and clarity were known for being very context sensitive too, in the new process I have the impression, that Highlights and Shadows are much better, but clarity, dehaze, whites introduce different contrast.
And that's the issue: if images have different contrasts, you won't be able to deflicker them perfectly because the visual deflicker does not affect the contrast, only the brightness.
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#18 yannick_c
Have you tried other softwares as powerfull as Lightroom that maybe are not that context sensitive? That's a little off subject cause LRTimelapse is completely connected to Lightroom, but maybe for some sequences that cause problems and where there's not much need to ramp parameters (talking about hyperlapses for example), that could help using another post processing app.
#19 Gunther
No, but I mostly don't have any issues with Lightrooms editing.
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