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LRTimelase 6 Pro will not load on Mac Arm computer

#1 GliderGuider
I've just downloaded and installed the beta version of LRTimelapse 6.0.0_b5_ARM_mac (build 760) (prior to updating my LRT5.8 Pro licence).

When starting the program it starts to load, shows the startup header, gets to "launching application" and immediately shuts down when it gets to "loading user interface" and the icon is removed from the Dock.

Lightroom is off.
The old LRTimelapse version 5.8 has been trashed and the trash bin emptied.
I've download and install the latest Adobe DNG Converter for Mac OS (14.1).
The computer is a Mac mini (M1, 2020), Apple M1 chip, 16GB ram, running macOS Monterey version 12.1
System Preferences / Dock / Show recent applications in Dock is off.

I've restarted the computer and re-installed the application with nothing else running and it refuses to load the user interface.

I've been running LRT 5.8 pro with no issues untill today, which has all be stripped out on installing LRT 6.0.0.

No log codes or anything as it won't load.

Is there a work around or something else fundamental that I should have done prior to install?

I'm looking forward to getting to grips with the update. Keep up the great work.

#2 Gunther
Could you please try the following:
Open a Terminal, copy/paste the following line and hit enter:
/Applications/LRTimelapse\ 6.app/Contents/MacOS/LRTimelapse
Send me the output that you get.
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#3 GliderGuider
Output from terminal:

Check if another instance is running via /Users/michaelwalker/Documents/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse_running
Launching LRTimelapse
© Gunther Wegner, All rights reserved.
Launching from app bundle: /Applications/LRTimelapse 6.app
Using JVM from /Applications/LRTimelapse 6.app/Contents/Plugins/jdk11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java
Total memory (MB): 16384
Dynamically assigning memory
Minimum memory: 3276
Maximum memory: 13104
2022-01-06 14:21:00 [DEB] Created Log file: /Users/michaelwalker/Documents/LRTimelapse
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [DEB] Importing older LRTimelapse settings from /Users/michaelwalker/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/user.props
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] LRTimelapse 6.0 beta 5 (2021-12-30) Build 760
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] © 2022 Gunther Wegner
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] https://lrtimelapse.com
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] Java version: 17.0.1 (64bit) from Oracle Corporation
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] Running on: Mac OS X locale: en_GB
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] Running on Mac Silicon.
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] OS Version: 12.1
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] Found 8 processor cores.
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] Java runtime: 64 bit
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [INF] No License Key found. Running LRTimelapse unlicensed for EVALUATION.
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [DEB] Registered Tiff-Reader: com.twelvemonkeys.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@4b40f651
2022-01-06 14:21:01 [DEB] Registered Tiff-Reader: com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@1a6c1270
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [INF] Loading directory structure
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Initializing directory chooser
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Start path: /Volumes/Master RAID 1+0/PhotoDocs/Pictures(PD)/Nikon Images 2018/20180805_702 Savannah Timelapse 6
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Building user interface
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Building Table
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Setting header renderer
2022-01-06 14:21:03 [DEB] Register cell editing
2022-01-06 14:21:04 [DEB] Updating column widths
2022-01-06 14:21:04 [DEB] Create table popup
2022-01-06 14:21:04 [ERR] Could not launch application.
Mac-mini:~ michaelwalker$
#4 krelsman
Hi, I also want to run LRTimelapse 6.x eventually on a Mac mini with the same specs described in this thread but currently running OS 11.6.2. It will be interesting to see where this goes to resolve this issue so will be following this thread realizing this is a major upgrade and the challenges associated with a major release as I am in the software business but for RIPS.
#5 GliderGuider
Hi Gunther,

Having read the output - Start path: /Volumes etc, I realised that my RAID volumes were not live so I've turned them on but made no difference - so it doesn't loolk like it failed due to not finding the volumes linked in the directory chooser.

#6 Gunther
Could you please delete the settings file: /Users/michaelwalker/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/user.props
After that it should launch. This will be fixed in the next version.
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#7 GliderGuider
Thanks Gunther, problem resolved.

...also check out: