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Slider for travelers - what to buy?

#1 marek
Hi all.

I want to buy a motorized slider that would fit in airport bag but I'm stuck doing research. Obviously I was considering Stage One from Dynamic Perception, but also found BD Slider from Dito Gear (compromise would be using 0.6m rails). While contacting DG I had an advice, to buy Stage One without motor and Motion Kit from DG. But overall price (+ adding TAXes and duty fee - Europe/Poland) is killing me - it supposed to be just a hobby for weekend ;)

So I thought that I ask you dear colleagues - do you have any other solutions that'll be fine to travel with? Or maybe some of you tried BD Slider from Dito and can assure that its stability is fine?

Every little helps. Thanks!
#2 rcmagraw
Hi there,

First off, I would just like to say if you're planning on just using it for the weekend it's probably not the best idea. It can take a while to get comfortable operating the time-lapse dolly and the last thing you want is being out there missing out on a great shot because you're unsure how to operate the slider. If this is your first time and your just looking to shoot an interesting time lapse, I would recommend just buying an intervelometer and shooting off a single tripod. I would also suggest that you visit the tutorial section of this website where Gunther demonstrates how to use certain equipment and software to accurately control your timelapse shots.

But if you're daring and still want to get a a fairly inexpensive slider I would recommend the rhino slider: Rhino Slider. Gunther also did a product review on this and you can find it here: Rhino Slider Review

Hope this helps with your decision. Smile
#3 marek
Hi rcmagraw,

Thank you for your reply. I'm shooting timelapses for couple of years now - writing that it supposed to be only "hobby for weekend" I meant that I never thought that it'll be so -time and money consuming Smile But hey - we do love that, yeah?

As for Rhino slider - I saw it earlier but even the smallest version is too long for most European airline hand-luggage size (which is 55cm).

I'm still digging but it seems that the price have to be a compromise so I'm willing to choose Stage One. I do regret that I didn't buy it while visiting USA.

#4 rcmagraw
Sorry about that Marek,

Yes, I agree the Stage 1 kit from Dynamic Percpetion would probably be a good choice for you. You should check out this video by dynamic perception where they show you how to put together the stage 1 kit and also how to break it all down and store it in a carry-on-bag. Stage 1 Kit Assemble & Disassemble for Carry-On

But you still have that problem of not being in the US. Maybe you should pick one up on your next vacation to the US Smile

#5 Gunther
Hi Marek,
owning both I would say that the Rhino is way better for traveling then the S1. I can put the Rhino-Rails diagonally into my suitcase, and even as Hand Luggage I think you won't get any problems. I carry my tripods and even a big monopod as hand luggage and have never had any problems. The cart of the Rhino is lighter and with lower profile as well, and still it's sturdier in my opinion. I like the S1 - but if I have to travel, I definitely go for the Rhino.
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#6 marek
Oh dammit. I just read your answer Gunther. I don't know why I assumed that I'll get some email notification if there's new response to this topic.

Anyway - I already bought S1 from some European shop (supposed to be a bit cheaper then importing from US but it's not after all). It arrived yesterday but unfortunately package wasn't complete and I'm waiting for pulley and idlers. I'll try to put it in hand luggage and make a first flight soon - I'll share my experience.

Thank you for all the help!

Have an interesting light Smile
#7 Gunther
Hi Marek,
the S1 is a very good slider also.
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#8 marek
I don't want to spam here, so later on I'll delete this message.
1) finding this option is pain. ctrl+f: "subscribe" helps Smile
2) after clicking it I have an error: "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again."
#9 bencoope
Good to know Gunther,
I have been trying to decide between the dP S1 and the Rhino slider (4ft carbon for home use and 2ft carbon for travel) and i am still undecided.

Is the Rhino compatible with the dP motors? I don't have a TB3 (yet) so would be using the MX2 controller for motion and maybe the eMotimo belt kit for the rhino (if it works), but not sure if that option would work or if there is another way to get a rhino slider working with a dP setup.

Any advice?

#10 Gunther
Hi Ben,
please contact the manufacturer with that questions. I don't know if the DC Motors from Dynamic perception can be used with the Rhino.
I'm only using steppers on it using the connector kit from emotimo.com.
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