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Timelapse help needed please

#1 tamarac
Hi I love shooting timelapses and have done a new day to night timelapse on the Canon r5c in AV mode with minimum shutter set to 8 seconds and intervalomoter set to 10 seconds once it gets dark some of my photos have the brightness change randomly only once ive edit the raw pictures. This does not happen when i dont edit them. So if i put all the photos on a timeline in davinci and then adjust them in davinci its fine. So seemd like something in LR is changing the photos. I look at all the settings and dont see any changes once its dark they all at 8 sec exposure f stop is 6.5 and iso 400 so would love to know why its changing in LR and dosent shot the changes when i dont edit them, been spending days trying to figure out this issue. Help would be greatly appreciated Smile
#2 Gunther
I'd recommend you watch the Expert Tips Video #5, it sounds as it might shed some light on your problem and provide solutions!
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