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Timer 2.5 - Very Dim display

#1 jlemoine58

I have had my 2.5 Timer for awhile now and had not used it for a few months.
Now when I turn it on, the display is so dim that I have to go into a dark room just to see it.

There does not seem to be anyway to increase the brightness of the display.

Am Ii missing something or is it broken?

John Lemoine
#2 mopperle
Low battery?

#3 Gunther
Did you leave it over the months somewhere where it was exposed to bright sunlight? I never had a report like this, but the display is an OLED, such displays can degrade if they are exposed to direct sunlight over a very long time.
But apart from that, usually that display is quite robust and currently from you report, I would think that it's some defect, even if I never had any other case like that.
Would you mind sending an picture and your invoice from buying to support@lrtimelapse.com
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