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Trouble on Auto Transition

#1 Vlaak
I purchased lrtimelapse a few months back and so far I have to say its pretty awesome! However, recently I've been trying to use some of the more advanced features and I've run into some trouble. 

I'm following the workflow here: https://vimeo.com/126256818

For my situation, I have 250 files and I've made keyframes of the first file and the last file in the sequence. I've done this because I want a different crop (to simulate movement), but other than the crop, all the other edits are the same on both keyframes. So I edit the keyframes in Lightroom, and then save the metadata on the files. The I go back to LRTimelapse and click the "Reload" button. So far so good.

Then I click the "Auto Transition" button, and it syncs all the settings as expected. However, one field seems to not be getting synced across the photos. The column for "Global Adj." has a value of 0.262 for both of my keyframes, but 0.000 for all other frames in the sequence. The auto-transition doesn't seem to apply this value to all the files and it has a result where my first frame, and last frame, are both brighter than all the rest. 

I've restarted the process several times and nothing seems to help.

I've worked around it by right clicking the column in LRTimelapse and choosing "Fill column downward" which works, but I don't understand why the auto-transition isn't applying that value to the images.

Do you guys have any advice? Am I missing a step?

Thanks so much Smile
#2 Gunther
Global Adjustments is an internal field, that is not really used. I guess, that you might have deleted one of the predefined gradients when editing the keyframes. This could lead to weird behavior like this. To fixe it right click on the table header of "Global Adj" and select "Initialize Column". Save. Next time use only the predefined gradients and don't delete any of those.
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#3 Vlaak
Actually, I did delete the predefined gradients. Ooops! I wont do that again. Thanks a lot for the help Gunther. I think your software is very amazing!

...also check out: