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two new checkboxes in Visual Deflicker, what do they do?

#1 chasg
I see two new checkboxes in the Visual Deflicker dialog, but I haven't been able to find out (from video or written tutorials here on lrtimelapse.com) what they do. Can anyone point me to the answers? Many thanks in advance for any insights.
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#2 Gunther
Constant will use a straight horizontal line for reference as opposed to the smooth green line that follows the luminance progression. This can be useful for studio work where you need to deflicker to a constant, not changing luminance.

Increase Rating will increase the rating from the sequence (for example from one star to two stars) after deflicker is done.
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#3 chasg
thanks very much Gunther, much appreciated.

Have you explained this elsewhere? I apologise if I didn't search thoroughly enough (but perhaps somebody else might stumble on this thread, and would find that info useful).



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