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Unable to Sync Key Due to Exception

#1 UWChasm
I am getting a pop up from LR that reads:

"Unable to complete 'LRTimelapse Sync Keyframes' due to an exception on line 364"

This pops up when I go to sync my Keyframes from Scripts

I have done keyframe syncing successfully before, so I am puzzled.

Thanks in advance, 

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I'd try to restart Lightroom. Then try to sync from one to one (not multiple) other keyframe with the script. See if it works.
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#3 dklmaui
I am having this same problem Gunther. It not only won't sync the keyframes when I'm filtering by keyframes (it does only the keyframes and none of the ones in between), when I select the full sequence and try to sync I get this line 364 error. Copy attached.

When I do as you suggest in your answer above, it still only syncs the next keyframe, none of the images in between. I'm totally stuck, what do I do?

One possibly cause. When I started on this sequence I edited one of the later keyframes first, as I intended that to be the most important frame, and used Lightroom to sync it to all the other frames, and wrote down the settings so when I got back to this keyframe I could set it the same. This was out of your order, I know. Then I went back to the beginning and started editing as your instructions suggest. Did this somehow mess up this sequence?

#4 dklmaui
I may have found the cause of this problem. Lightroom is not "seeing" several photos that are in the folder, even after I re-synchronize the folder. Lightroom has really been a problem for me lately. Any idea how to fix this?
#5 dklmaui
I fixed the "missing" photos issue in Lightroom, which was a problem there not with LRTimelapse. Lightroom now sees all the RAW files as it's supposed to. The Lightroom Keyframes Script still failed to work, it only applied itself to the actual keyframes when I ran it, rather than the whole set. So, I next tried to apply it to the full set, and this time the script worked! It applied to all the frames, without any errors.

So, we still have an LRTimelapse issue with the script syncing with the keyframes only filter applied, but this "line 364" issue appears to be an underlying problem with the integrity of the Lightroom catalog.

Hopefully this helps anyone else who has this "line 364" problem.
#6 Gunther
The Sync script will only work on images that have been correctly intitialized with LRTimelapse.
It's important that you start your workflow in LRTimelapse (best remove the sequence with all images from Lightroom for now).
Then follow the workflow instructions for the visual workflow on https://lrtimelapse.com/workflow/
When you come to Lightroom edit the first keyframe, don't add or remove any linare gradients, just use the ones provided.
Then, while the first keyframe is still selected, shift select the second one. Now launch the sync script.
Continue with the workflow as described.
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