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Updating Firmware

#1 joanfont47
I've just bought my Timer pro 3.0 from Amazon Spain and according to the web instructions I've charged it and I've tried to change the firmware. The device has 2.4 firmware and I want to change to the last version 2.6. I've followed the recommended procedure. I've tried with different computer, Windows and Mac. different cables, ports without succes. I press the hole twice without any effect but I've just seen that it is a free hole ( I'm talking of te correct hole near usb connection, not about the holes to connect to the camera). There is nothing on the surface oh the hole so the pen has no effect. Is it correct or the device is broken? I have the option to ask for a changement in Amazon.
#2 Gunther
Normally there is a small button behind the hole, you should notice a resistance and feel a click, if you press it gently.
If would surprise me, if there was nothing behind the hole, please double check - also look inside it with a lamp, you should see the button. if not, I assume it is a defect - but normally our end checkup would notice that, that's why I'd be really surprised. Maybe you can make a closeup photo with your smartphone and attach it here?
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#3 joanfont47
I have sent by mail some photos of the hole using a lamp to get clearer images. I have to say that I can intoduce a clip into the hole and I don’t have any obstacle.
#4 Gunther
We'll exchange that device. We'll sort it out via email!
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