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Video export appears brighter

#1 Morten timelapse
Hi Forum.
i im strugling with what i think is a gamma profil issue. When i export tiif and jpeg in lightroom it appears as the color correction i did in lightroom.
But if i do a video render in LR timelapse it appears darker, and if i do a video export in after effects it appears brighter then original jpeg and lightroom grade.
Anyone have a answer for that ?
Kind regards Morten
#2 Gunther
Color Management is a complicated topic. It depends on every single component in the processing chain.
Especially you need to use a good video player which supports color profiles, otherwise you won't get consistent results.
See: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-the...htroom-lrt

Check out the FAQ, there are also other threads linked. Also the search feature is very good to find information here in the forum.
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#3 Morten timelapse
Hello Gunther. Thank you for your quick reply, i will look into the that and follow your steps. And yes it is very complicated and frustrating. But thank you for a good software and this good forum (o:
#4 Morten timelapse
Hello Gunther. I tryede VLC player and the IINA player and both are much more accurate then quicktime.
But i still have a darker picture on LR timelapse. I do have a profile from my colorchecker calibration. but a cant find that file in LR timelapse. So my lightroom matches ok with the TIFF file, and how it looks in AE, and then when i export i can get allmost like it looks like in AE if i use VLC or IINA. Is it normal that there allways will be a little difference in export, even from davenchi forexamble ? An can you recomend something about the LR timelapse output ?
#5 Gunther
You can activate color management for the previews in LRTimelapse, I've explained this in the video for LRTimelapse 5.5 where this was introduced. https://lrtimelapse.com/news/lrtimelapse-5-5/
Basically you activate it in the settings and provide the color profile from your monitor calibration there.
This will only affect, how the previews are being displayed in LRTimelapse, if you edit in Lightroom, it's not so important because you will judge the colors there. And the exported video will anyway have a correct profile embedded.
Minor deviances between gamma and color can always occur when transforming images into videos but of course, the LRTimelapse workflow tries to keep them as small as possible.

If you are on Mac, please try the latest Beta from https://lrtimelapse.com/download/beta where an issue with the gamma tagging for quicktime with H.265, DnxHR and Prores was resolved. H.264 still get displayed wrong by quicktime.
See this thread for lots of details about this: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-col...2#pid55632
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#6 Morten timelapse
Hi Gunter. Thank you for all the links and help and the good videos. I did a new calbrations of my monitors and saved that file so i could open it in LR timelapse and that looks now correct as preview, then i still had problems with the video render, but then tryede to use the tv safe button, and that works. I think mayby allso why it is showing so much now after used the softwares many times is i needed to the a but hard colorgrade in lightroom on this one. So it seems if i keep it at rec709 and tv safe i get the best result. Again thank you for the help and your good work with LR timelapse

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