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Video Render Order is incorrect

#1 Harvest Crunch
I've got a timelapse edited and ready for rendering. Each time I render the video through LRTimelapse it doesn't render in order. Here is the link to the rendered timelapse so you can see what I mean. https://youtu.be/w3QHo4cCUlc

I have the sequence in LR sorted by capture time and when I export the edited photos from LR and play it back in Premiere it works great but of course there is no motion blur added which is why I want to render the video from LRTimelapse.

Any insight? I attached my render settings to see if there is any issues there.

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
You need to make sure that the sort order in Lightroom is correct - set it to "Capture Time" (Grid-View, Toolbar (T))
Then export again and LRTimelapse will render in the correct order.
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#3 Harvest Crunch
It was set to that. Re-exported and problem solved. Thanks!
Combining Video Clips
Steve Jones
2022-03-15, 18:38
Last Post: artymoriera

...also check out: