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Warm shift after initial Save

#1 dwhitebread
I usually get a significant warm shift after my initial Save. In a night image that I'm looking at now, the As Shot temp is 2,950 (probably due to warm lighting on some foreground trees), and after reading the new, post-Keyframes/Holy Grail/Save metadata, it is 5,850. This is pretty common, and easy to correct, but a bit puzzling. Can you help me understand?

Thanks Gunther, and thanks in general for always being so responsive,
#2 Gunther
Hi Don, which camera are you using? Raw or JPG files?
Normally LRTimelapse initializes the WB value with 5850 (because it cannot know the value from the cam), but also sets the WB to "As Shot". Usually this would override the value and make Lightroom use the original WB from the camera.

But I just noticed in the latest Lightroom, this doesn't seem to work anymore. The WB will appear as "As Shot" but with the initialization values from LRT applied.

You can fix this by setting WB to another setting, for example "Auto" and then back to "As Shot" - then the correct values from the Camera will be applied.

To me this seems to be a bug in the latest Lightroom.
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#3 dwhitebread
Thanks Gunther,
Oh, that explains it. It's easy to change during the first edit, and forces me to manage the WB, as I should, so not a problem. I'm using Sony a7R 2 and 4s, and shooting RAW.

Now, can you create a tool in LRT to get the raindrops off my lens in the middle of the sequence I'm working on now?

Thanks in advance : ) ,
#4 Gunther
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