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What is root cause of very light night sky banding?

#1 waldenkirsch
I'm a relatively new licensed LRT user and have generally mastered gunter's (truly excellent!) SW and am getting nice holy grail day>night sequences, zero flicker, no other artifacts etc.
(I'm running my D810 with an external intervalometer, and running the holy grail from qDSLR on an android tablet.)
The only issue I'm facing is some very slight but still noticeable "banding" in sky sequences, as the sky turns darker and toward black.
Please see attached screen grab--the banding is most noticeable at the upper left of the night sky.
What it the likely root cause of this issue?
Thanks very much or any guidance from any LRT6 prosSmile
Walden Kirsch
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Banding is mostly caused by compression of very smooth areas like such skies.
Often it helps to add a bit of grain to the images and/or use less noise reduction in the sky.
If course also using a higher quality workflow (tiff intermediaries, 10 bit video files etc) will help - but eventually the videos might end up on youtube and then again show Banding. Thar means, the first tip is always good to consider.
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#3 waldenkirsch
Ah, got it….understand and will experiment.
Thanks very much for the world-class software, online tutorials, and customer service… all 5-star… among the very best on the Internet.
Much obligedSmile
#4 Gunther
Thanks so much!
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