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New user of the Pro Version ... some questions

#1 Giuseppe
Hello everybody,
new user of the Pro version of LRTimelapse and obviously I have doubts, first of all about the export module.
Some questions (maybe they will be trivial but I'd like to be able to discuss them with you):

1) to get the ProRes 422 HQ codec, in the render module, after having obviously chosen ProRes 422 do I have to choose "high" or "very high" or "ultra high" quality?
2) Video leves ... please explain me the difference between "Legal (TV)" and "Full range"?
3) Motion blur ... it seems very useful but I would like some advice: do you use it? What values usually? For example for moving clouds do you have a reference value? Or for moving machines, etc.
4) Sharpen: I already use the sharpen in Lightroom (not too strong to avoid artifacts), do you use this option?

I hope some of you will have the time and patience to answer me. ^ _ ^

Thank you

#2 Gunther
1) Usually "High" would be great quality. It's always a tradeoff between the size of the video and the quality. I'd use High unless you experience any quality issues.
2) Usually when producing for Video editing use "Legal". it's the standard in Video. Here is a good explanation if you want to know the details: https://www.thepostprocess.com/2019/09/2...-vs-video/
3.) Motion Blur is great. I use it all the time when I have no panning. for Static shots, try different levels. The faster the movement in your timelapse the more careful you should be with the MB levels to avoid ghosting. Just render your video with different levels and compare.
4) I'd leave it on in the LRT Render dialog.
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#3 Giuseppe
Hi Gunther,
first of all I want to thank you and congratulate you: in addition to developing amazing software that you sell at a reasonable price, you are always present with your community both with the tutorials on Youtube and here on the forum (practically reply to all posts).

My answers
1) Ok I will proceed with "high", thanks.
2) Thanks, yes I will read the link to learn.
3) Ok for now I'm trying the medium option and I like how it makes the movements smoother without artifacts that I can notice.
4) Ok I will use it.

Thank you so much for answering me.

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