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Can Not Export from Lightroom

#1 Dann-Oh
I am following your Basic Tutorial and I can not Export from Lightroom (minuet 13 of the tutorial), I get the following error. I tried to restart BOTH Lightroom and LRT5 but this has not helped. I also tried restarting my PC, that didn't help.

I'm really not too sure what to do.

I have attached a screenshot of the issue I am having.
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
I'd recommend to restart the computer, rerun the LRTimelapse installer and then launch lightroom - normally this helps. It could be that the plugin got broken, if you installed LRT while LR was running.
If this still doesn't work, in Lightroom go to the Plugin Manager (via menu) and check if there is any error message. Try reloading the plugin there. There should also be a way to save an error message, which you could send me.
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#3 Dann-Oh
I restarted the computer and both programs a second time and that seemed to work. I do not understand why a second restart was needed but it works nicely now.

...also check out: