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Which version of LRTimelapse should i get?

#1 flepsomat

i'm a student from germany who shoots timelapse videos as a hobby. At the moment i'm using the private licence of LRT, but i wantet to get a private or pro licence for quite some time, but as a student budget is always a bit limitet. But now i wanted to use the opportunity of the 10 year LRT discount to get myself a licence for christmas. At the moment i don't do commercial projects so i think the private licence would be enogh for the near feature. But i can also imagine to do some lager projects in the future, where the pro licene could be helpful to make some money with my videos. I did a small google research but i didn't found concrete information abou the exact regulations in germany, if you have to get a member of the Handwerkskammer and pay contributions if you want to make some money with timelase photography. Also i saw that there are upgrade options from LRT 4 to LRT 5 and from private to pro. The upgrade option also gives you the possibility to upgrade from LRT4 private to LRT5 pro. So if LRT6 will be released in the "near future" and the upgrade process will be the same it could also be a option to start with the LRT5 private licence, and upgrade to LRT6 pro later on when i am maybe also closer to commercial projects. I hope i'm in the right subforum for my questions and someone can help me to decide what's the right version for me Big Grin thanks in advance!

best regards
#2 Gunther
Currently there are no plans for LRT6 in the "near future". Also there is always a generous transition time for major upgrades.
As you already figured, there are a couple of differences between Private and Pro - at the end it's up to you.
You can find the differences here: https://lrtimelapse.com/features/
The license terms about Private vs. Commercial usage are explained here: https://lrtimelapse.com/eula/
You can always crossgrade from private to pro - also from one major version to the next.
At the end, you need to make the decision. :-)
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