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LRTTimelapse and Adobe Bridge

#1 tlphoto
I am having an issue with the Bridge workflow. Everything seems to work fine until I get to the deflicker. I am running a test and the software does not seem to make the deflicker adjustments no matter how many time press refine. I am using the latest version of Adobe Raw DNG and have the mask version set 2.0 Lightroom>=11 / ACR>=14. Any advice would be helpful of why deflicker is not working.
#2 Gunther
You also need to have the latest Adobe Dng Converter installed. See: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-hol...-no-effect
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#3 tlphoto
Thank you I did this update and still cant get it to work. Amy other ideas?
#4 Gunther
It's all explained in that faq.
All versions must be the latest.
Also the workow with ACR is a bit more fragile. It's recommended to use Lightroom Classic with LRTimelapse, there you'd also have the sync script which prevents the holy grail and deflicker adjustments to break when bringing the settings fro.m one keyframe to the next.
I recommend that you use Lightroom and follow my workflow that I explain in the tutorials carefully step by step.
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#5 tlphoto
Thank you will look at into that.

...also check out: