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output: HD-1080 and keep aspect ratio 3:4, without crop

#1 snahl
I haven't figured out how to obtain a TimeLapse-sequence output size of 1920 x 1080 without cropping top and bottom when the images of that sequence have an aspect ratio of 4:3.

The goal is to get an output of 1920 x 1080 displaying the TL-sequence (size 1626 x 1080) placed in the center with two black bars (147px) on the left and on the right side.
(2 x 147px + 1626px = 1920px)

ffmpeg provides some padding options, but it seems as the desired effect is not implemented in LRTimeLapse v3.4.1
I hope I have overlooked something.
Please advise.

Any hints and suggestions leading to a solution are most welcome.
#2 Gunther
No, in my opinion it doesn't make sense to render black bars. If you want to do something like this, do it in the final cutting process in a video editor. LRTimelapse only delivers the source clips for this.
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#3 snahl
Hi Günther,
I am glad to learn about your opinion.
Nevertheless you leave it open to explain your reasoning that it does NOT make sense to obtain the full 4:3 sequence with sidebars. Equally about cropping top and bottom.

To some this does to others it does not make sense but that is not very much of relevance - what counts is the what customer wants.

So how can I obtain an output sequence with the original aspect ratio 4:3 without any cropping (using the Pro Version)?

When LRTimelapse provides the option for cropping top and bottom then LRTimelapse should equally provide the option for NOT cropping top and bottom.
And if cropping remains a must, then LRTimelapse should please provide the user additional options to choose whether to crop from top OR from bottom only.

Greetings, Hans.

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