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only some of sequence edited

#1 tonalkep
For a very short sequence and little light change i needed only 2 key frames. One at begin and one at end. When i continued the next day I found about 15 frames had been edited the rest unedited. Any ideas why? thnks
#2 Gunther
Sorry, I don't understand the question. Please start over with initializing in LRTimelapse (metadata/initialize) then follow the process. If the problems persist, please write exactly what you have done, what you are expecting to happen and what happened. Screenshots and the log file (info/log) would be of tremendous help too.
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#3 tonalkep
Thnks for reply. The seq: is a coronal aurora, .......after going thru the seq: I understand that they have all been edited, but because of the nature of auroras different colours appear and dissapear....The !st and 2nd frames (keyframes) had some bright green areas. After this 1st frame there was no bright green again until after about 20 or so frame. On close observation I discerned the bright green coming back .......slightly ......then more obvious in the rest of frames. So my only conclusion is that they were all edited but due to the nature of this aurora it wasnt apparent in some frames. Hope that makes sense.

...also check out: