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Selecting by criteria

#1 crazyloco77
It would be really usefull to select by typing the exact threshold when using the "select by criteria" command in the pro version. Sometimes I just want to delete the darker pictures but keep the brightest.
#2 Gunther
Did you see that you can work with the shadows and highlights independently by remowing the "Lock" checkbox ?
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#3 crazyloco77
Yes I did, but I want to increase the highlight bandwith even more so I only loose the darkest images, sadly LRtimelapse wo't let me
#4 Gunther
Will see, if I can increase the boundaries of the sliders.
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#5 Drew Fulton
I was just trying this out processing a long term time lapse (4+ months). The camera ran all day/night and I'd love to find a way to just select the really dark night images. Could the Select by Criteria dialog be expanded to allow selecting images based on a range of Mean values? I could manually go through and select images that way or visually in Lightroom but it takes forever and I've got a ton of these projects to process.

Think that might be possible?
#6 Gunther
That's exactly what the feature is for. Check out my tutorial about processing long term time lapses: http://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial
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#7 Drew Fulton
I watched it yesterday and was following your workflow. Thats how I found out about the Select by Criteria feature. I think the problem might be that there are no values on the sliders so I really don't know what I am doing. I would think that if I had the sliders at one extreme, I would have 0 files selected while at the other extreme, I would have all of the files selected. However, that is not what is happening. In my example, with the sliders at the outside extreme, I have 346 of 3038 and with them at the inside extreme I have 0 of 3038 selected (as expected). In my case, I want just the day files selected so I should be looking for a selection of about half of the total files, say 1500.

That's why I was looking for a way to select files directly by the Mean Exposure column. For example, I just want to get rid of all of my night images by selecting everything with Mean Exposure value less than 0.100. If I could do that and then go through your process, I would be able to produce a much better linear deflicker value because I don't have the extremes of a bunch of black frames from the nights. As the Select by Criteria function is working now, I just can't get enough files because I have so many extremes from day to night.

Does that make sense? If I can get this to work as easily as you did in your tutorial video, this will be a huge time saver for me but right now it just simply isn't working.

Thanks for everything you do!
#8 Gunther
Please note that the selection with "select by criteria" will include the files to keep - to get the files you would like to remove, you have to invert the selection.
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#9 Drew Fulton
I understand that, but it doesn't change anything I have said above. The problem is this. When you have both day and night images in a sequence, the mean brightness with a linear deflicker applied is very dark because those totally black frames. Because of that, I want to use Select by Criteria to select ALL of the bright frames and just a few of the dark frames below the mean. Even with the slider controlling the lightness side unlocked and placed to the extreme, I am only getting a few images. It'd be great if each of those sliders actually selected all the images when at the extreme and 0 images when at the other extreme. Without a scale, it is basically arbitrary and I am unable to make it work on my sequences.

#10 Gunther
Okay, it's currently the way it is - but you are welcome to put a request into the feature request section and I will see if I can consider this for the next version.
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