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#1 lloydexodus
Hi, Just installed and tried my new LRTL 4.0.3 Pro. Having problem pc shutting down abruptly when using visual preview, why is this happening.

#2 Gunther
Make sure you installed the latest DNG Converter from Adobe! http://lrtimelapse.com/install
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#3 lloydexodus
Hi, I did just what you told me by updating the Adobe DNG converter but nothing changes, when I try to do the visual preview, my computer shuts downs after some time? why it is doing that?????
I'm on Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8GB ram.
#4 lloydexodus
I have done excatly what you have told me to do, updated the Adobe DNG converter to the latest but till have the same problem, my pc stops abruptly after a few minutes of running visual preview.
#5 Gunther
Maybe a thermal problem or memory problem on your pc? Rendering stresses the cpu and memory, this migh show problems that you don't notice, when you are only working normally.
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#6 lloydexodus
Good day mate,
Your're right, I was actually experiencing hardware problem where the motherboard had a clitch and reset to 32 bit instead of 64 bit, that's why it was causing the pc to shutdown..
Now I can enjoy ...thanks...Smile
#7 lloydexodus
Good day mate,
also I realise that the mode was showing LR5/LR4 despite I was using LR6, is that important?
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#8 Gunther
No, that's the same process version.
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