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“True Holy Grail” – 3-way auto ramping for time lapse

#11 D_Ng
Hello Gwegner,

I have the solution from Emotimo which is to upgrade the firmware of TB3 and now problem resolved.

When I use qDslrDashboard to trigger TB3, can the camera time be longer than 30" for Nikon. I am think for startrial can I set exposure time to say 2 min. What should the static time I need to set for Nikon. 3" would be sufficient or not?

By the way it is correct the camera battery will drain much faster when using qDsirDashboard? I feel that the camera can work much longer if only trigger by TB3 w/o connecting to qDslrDashboard.

Thanks in advance.

#12 Gunther
I wouldn't use longer exposures then max. 30 seconds. For Startrails just make shorter exposures and blend them later with StarStaX or a similar program. Battery might drain a bit faster because of the USB connection, remember, that the camera has to transfer the previews. This why we mostly use external batteries to power the camera and empotimo. With a small inverter you can transform the 12V that you power the emotimo with anyway, to 7.2 V for the camera and feed them via a battery-dummy.
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#13 D_Ng
Any recommended brand for Nikon D810 and Df please. i don't want to take risk on power supply.

A link to the product web site would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
#14 Gunther
I don't know about a real product for this, I've build mine as diy project.
Here is an article I've written in my German blog, this is via Google Translator:

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#15 D_Ng
Amazing that you can DIY almost everything

...also check out: