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Radial Gradient only showing on keyframed images

Hi all,

Sorry if this has been covered before - I couldn't see it if so.

I'm using the the radial gradient filter to bring up some underexposed rocks on my time-lapse. In the editing process, I carry the gradient across all images and make necessary changes and all seems fine. However, when it comes to reloading and visual previews, the only images that have the gradient on them are the edited keyframed ones - so every so often through the timelapse the rocks show up brighter for a single frame and then back to being underexposed. Meanwhile all over edits have been carried across seamlessly. I'm sure it's something very straight forward, but I can't figure it out... any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

#2 Gunther
Hi Owen,
Some things to check:
- do you have the masks settings set correctly in the LRTimelapse Settings to match your lightroom version?
- did you use one of the predefined circular gradients/masks, changed it on the first. Keyframe and then used the sync script to bring it to the next, before modifying it?
- did you apply the auto transition in lrt?

Please double check - those are all important things to do, otherwise editing might fail.
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Hi Gunther,
Thanks for your quick response.
It really was a simple one - I wasn't using the predefined gradients, I was dragging in a new one. I'm now using the predefined one and it works perfectly!

...also check out: