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Automatic white balance when shooting holy grail?

#1 Haugen
I have been told that it's wise to shoot holy grail on automatic white balance. I have always thought that manually on all settings is the best, but after messing up a sunset-lapse (sun in the frame) using holy grail technique, I'm not so sure it was a wise move using manually WB. But then again, I messed up, adjusted the exposure to much the few times I adjusted. 

Any comments?
#2 Gunther
Hi Haugen,
I'd set the WB to manual, but it only affects the previews on the camera, not the RAW files anyway. You will keyframe the WB later in Lightroom/LRTimelapse.
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#3 cblumenshine
Holy grail only works with RAW files and not Jpgs, correct? I'm doing a long term TL and somehow the white balance got changed to Auto and I'm seeing differences. Do you recommend going back out there and manually setting the white balance? Thanks
#4 Gunther
Holy Grail works with both, RAW and JPG.
However with JPGs, the White Balance is always "baked in" into the files. That means, if you shot in Auto-WB setting, the whitebalance is already in the JPGs and you cannot really change it back in Lightroom. You can see it in Lightroom, that the Whitebalance values are "0 / 0" - instead of the absolute values that you get with RAW files.
Such color shifts on JPGs cannot be automatically corrected with LRTimelapse, I'm afraid.
Next time either shoot RAW, or set the whitebalance to a fixed value in the camera, if you shoot JPG.
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#5 cblumenshine
Thank you. I'm relatively early in this long shoot so I'm going to deal with I have now and go change the auto to fixed.
#6 Ken Toney
I would love to see a video on doing multiple keyframes at sunset.
#7 Gunther
Hi Ken, what exactly is your question?
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