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How to batch cull images?

#1 thebundok
I've been requested to do a time-lapse of a construction project over the course of a year+. It must be done with a GoPro, which unfortunately doesn't allow for intervals greater than 60s, which means I'll end up with something over 500k images.

I want to be able to cull the images so that it reduces the number of images to 1/hour & eliminate any images taken between 1600-0600. As the camera is in a somewhat out of the way location, I can't really get to it on a regular/daily basis.

Is there a function in LRT6 which will help me in doing this automagically (e.g. remove all photos between the hour and between the times mentioned above)? Or would I still have to manually select photos I want removed?

FWIW, I watched the basic and LRT Import tutorials, which didn't cover my question, so I came here before watching any more.

Thanks in advance for your help.

#2 Gunther
Yes, you can do that with the long term filters in LRTimelapse.
Just note that most likely you won't be able to load 500K images into LRT. You'd need to do the filtering bit by bit.
I'd not recommend to load more than 10000 images at one time.
Filters can now filter for days of week and time spans in LRT 6.
The general filtering is explained in the long term workflow tutorial, see the last tutorial on this page: https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/advanced/
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#3 thebundok
Thanks so much for the helpful reply!

...also check out: