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Continuous capture when USB tethered to Canon 5Dsr

#1 yelmarb

I'm using a Macbook Pro, USB tethered to a Canon 5Dsr. When I press the capture button or start sequence, the camera ignores the sequence and continually fires, even if I hit stop sequence. In fact it won't stop shooting until I pull the USB cable out. 

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

#2 Gunther
Doesn't sound normal. Did you try setting the camera to single shot? (not continuous)
But I guess you should contact the developer of qDDB, maybe it's an issue with that Camera type.
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#3 yelmarb
Thank you so much Gunter, changing the drive mode to fixed that issue! Huge respect for all that you've done in achieving perfect holy grail time lapses.
#4 Gunther
Thanks and glad to hear that that helped! :-)
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