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qDslrDashboard and Canon R6 Mark II

#1 teamcary
I'm new to qDslrDashboard. I have both a Canon R5 and and R6 Mark II. I've been able to get qDslrDashboard to function with the R5 when I connect with a USB-C data cable to a Samsung Galaxy S20 phone. However, I'm not having much luck with the R6 Mark II, even using the same phone and cable. It appears to connect, and I can release the shutter from the phone. But that's about it. I can't get into the LRTimelapse module or control other settings. I've sent an email to qDslrDashboard support. In the meantime, I'm wondering if there are others here who have successfully used qDslrDashboard with an R6 Mark II?

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