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Custom resolution export

#1 PeterWar

I'm a new user to Timelapse 7, so far I'm loving it!

I would kindly request to export at custom resolution if possible as I want my aurora timelapses to show in a cinema screen with 1920x1200 ; Aspect Ratio; 16:10 (WUXGA).

Would this be possible? Thank you
#2 Gunther
I'd recommend to do the export in LRT in one of the given (higher) Resolutions and Crop-Ratios and then put them all into a video program which would use anyway to combine clips, add music etc. - then you can export it in any resolution you want.
LRTimelapse itself is rather meant to generate "master clips" for further processing than deliver the end results for direct playback. That's why I had to chose the most common resolutions and aspect ratios for those master files.
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