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Does anyone try to use less interval time (less than 1 second)

#1 photohackz
Hi guys

I'm a big fans of LRTimelapse and will considering to buy LrTimelapse Pro Timer to shoot my TimeLapse Sequence , I'd like to ask you guys some question

1. Does anyone try to use less interval time (less than 1 second) ? I want to reduce captured time for my time-lapse video , normally when I want 10 second time-lapse footage at 24 fps, I have to shoot 240 photos with 1 second interval that mean it will take 4 minute . I want to reduce captured time by reducing interval time for each shot , like I want 0.3 second for interval that mean i can have 3 photos in 1 second that will be reduced time from 4 minute to 1.3 minute (I will shoot at bright sunrise).

2. How to use this timer to capture holy grail

#2 Gunther
Sure, the shortest intervals you can shoot with the LRT Pro Timer is 0.3 secs. Of course your camera has to be able to handle this.

Regarding shooting the holy grail with the LRT Pro Timer: you'd need an additional ramping solution like qDslrDashboard.
See faq: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtot/faq
And the holy grail shooting tutorial on https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial (end of page)
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#3 photohackz
Thank you

I will buy it now

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