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"Export and Render" dialog shall pre-select the previous output path

#1 thomasp
Hi there,

it would save me a lot of time if the current "Export and Render" functionality would please remember the output folder from a previous operation.

When performing bulk exports of multiple sequences, one has to use the file chooser dialog over and over again to select an individual output path. IMHO it would save a lot of time if the previous output path would be pre-selected.

Current behaviour:
* choose "sequence folder 1"
* click "Export and Render"
* the output folder dialog comes up - some strange tree entry is opened, the dialog title points to my sequence folder "sequence folder 1"
* choose output folder (on totally different drive)
* start export
* choose "sequence folder 2"
* click "Export and Render"
* the output folder dialog comes up - some strange tree entry is opened, the dialog title points to my sequence folder "sequence folder 2"

Expected behaviour:
* choose "sequence folder 1"
* click "Export and Render"
* the output folder dialog comes up [with a pre-selection of "sequence folder 1" plus the ability to change the path via keyboard]
* start export
* choose "sequence folder 2"
* click "Export and Render"
* the output folder dialog comes up [with a pre-selection of the previous export path plus the ability to change the path via keyboard]


Thank you!

#2 Gunther
I will check this and see what I can do.

But: if you do export lots of timelapses, you should consider exporting them from Lightroom, this will give you a higher quality and also there you only would need to set the output folder once and could even export multiple timelapses at once in batch.
Please check out the tutorial about "Speeding up the editing of multiple timelapses" on https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/advanced/ to learn how it works.
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#3 thomasp
Gunther, thank you for replying! Sorry that I just threw that one over the fence without some nice words.

Your suggestion to export from LR is nice, but I have to respond: when I am going to export from LR, it is getting slower and slower with each export I am adding to the queue. With LRTimelapse I can develop all my keyframes in LR, and then comfortably stack up an export of 10 scenes without too much UI lag. It will not break my 8 Core Windows Desktop, while in LR, the UI is getting slower and slower with each scene that is added. It is sooooo wonderful to just make all the work in LRTimelapse, with a responsive UI.

Oh yeah, I know, I have to buy an M1/M2 Smile

And yes, I know, I could export TIFF from LR, but you could also offer a TIFF export in LRTimelapse to give me 444 ProRes without LR!!! Wink

You could also offer a command line, so I could stack up my 20 scenes, go to bed, and LRTimelapse would make the transitions, deflicker, and export during the night. When I wake up, I could pick a cup of coffee, stumble into the office, and enjoy scenes! That would be a beautiful morning!

Just kidding. The thing is, when I am out with my cameras, and the conditions are good, it's common that I end up with 3 scenes or more, 1.000 frames each. Quite often the stuff stacks up, and then you have to wait for an another rainy day to convert them all into movie files.

Danke Dir für Deine Arbeit - wenn es mal reinpasst wäre super - und wenn nicht, dann ist auch ok! Viele Grüsse aus dem Elbi!
#4 Gunther
You didn't watch the video I recommended, I guess... :-)
When you export from lightroom, you don't add every sequence separately into the render queue. Instead you select all folders that you would like to render all at once and start one export task. The LRTExport plugin will then do all the work splitting them up etc. This will be at least as fast than export and render from LRT, maybe faster.
Check out the video, where I show how to do it - it will save you loads of time in the future! :-)

Also: Export and Render from LRT will always produce intermediaries in JPG in medium quality, not Tiff. It's not possible technically (Adobe restrictions) for LRT to develop to TIFF. You need to use Lightroom for this.
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#5 Gunther
Please test 6.3.0 beta 2, there the render path will be remembered if you need to set it for more than one sequence. It will not be preselected, but the folder chooser will be at the right place. https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-lrt...3-0-beta-2
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Render output
2024-07-15, 10:17
Last Post: Tompics

...also check out: